Life is Adventure
Life is Adventure
Over a year ago I went to a ladies retreat where the theme was lovely and good things from Phil 4:8.
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Although I had read this verse many, many times; I still found myself needing to be reminded of these things.
I created my shortly thereafter.
Here I am over a year later finally working on it.
We say, “isn’t it funny how life gets in the way?”
I think of it more as, “isn’t it amazing how the Lord shows up right on time?”
Life is Adventure was a sample post that I was going to delete.
I thought, really I haven’t had an adventurous life. Certainly no one would want to hear it, but then I began to ponder it a bit. Realizing that life is adventure.
No, I haven’t traveled a whole lot, but my adventure has been in living a life with my beautiful family the Lord has blessed me with.
Raising amazing, talented women who love and serve the Lord to the best of their ability.
A husband who has always worked hard and has been beside me through many difficult times in our life.
Grandkids who light up a room with their smile and laughter.
We have celebrated birthdays, weddings, graduations, heartache and other memorable times together.
These are the things that make life and adventure.
Life is adventure in just the smallest of things
Whether it is a walk with my grandkids, fishing with my husband, finding a new friend.
Life has been an adventure.
Sometimes the devil will tear me down. Make me feel like my life doesn’t really matter. That what I am doing isn’t important. He causes me to think bad thoughts. Wants me to remember the bad times.
The lies stream in causing doubt, confusion, depression.
When those times come (and they will continue to come), I pray to my Father in heaven. Sometimes those prayers come flowing out as tears run down my face.
With my Bible beside me; I open up the scriptures and it is there where I can hear my Father’s voice and see that I do matter.
I am reminded of all the blessings and experiences I have had in my life. Focusing on the good.
Now as I write this I see so many life adventures I have had and can share them with you.
Funny stories, sad stories. Even some adventurous ones.
I hope they will encourage you.