Alaska Hideout hiking trail

Kenai Alaska Hideout Hiking Trail

Kenai Alaska Hideout hike

Kenai Alaska Hideout Hiking Trail

Should you be planning a trip to Alaska and end up on the Kenai Peninsula; you need to take a hike up Hideout Hiking Trail.

We have lived in Alaska since 1998 and sadly we haven’t done a lot of hiking.  So, this year for our 35th anniversary we decided to hike Kenai Alaska Hideout Hiking Trail.

A friend from church who hikes often shared it with me.  She gave me the details on how far, how steep and how easy it is.  I was thankful for her insight so we could go prepared.

Trip to the trail

Hideout hiking trail is approximately 30 miles north of our home.  We set out around 10:30 AM on crisp, clear, beautiful fall day on October 2nd (the day after our anniversary).

On our way we enjoyed seeing the fresh new snow on the mountain peaks and the beautiful fall foliage covering the landscape.

Hideout Hiking Trail

There are two roads that get us to the Hideout Hiking trail.  The first one winds along Skilak Lake road; which meanders along a dirt road about 17 miles.  We chose to take the second Skilak Lake Road so we could get there quicker by driving on the highway.

Once we turned off the highway onto the second Skilak Lake Road entrance we drove about a mile to a very small turn off area next to the trail where we could park.

The trail sign says it is .75 of a mile but itis closer to one mile.  It is a short but steady climb up multiple switchbacks with a view that changes the higher you hike.

The climb is not overly strenuous making it a good challenge for beginner hikers.  Although we did have to stop a few times to catch our breath.

Making it to the top of Hideout hiking trail

Because of the Swan Lake wildfire in 2019 that burnt through 170,000 acres opened up the Skilak area which allowed for an amazing hike with amazing views.

We couldn’t have planned a better day.  Not only because of the blue sky, crisp air and warmth of the day, but because of the fresh snow-capped peaks we got to enjoy. They were spectacular!

Once we made it to the top we took it all in while enjoying lunch.

Being at the top of Hideout Trail was so magnificent that we could help but see the Glory of the Lord through his beautiful creation.

My soul welled up as I saw God’s creation glorifying Him.  I couldn’t stop myself for praising him for who he is and for what he has done in my life.  Giving me eternal life through his only begotten Son – Jesus Christ.

Revelation 4:11 – Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Hideout hiking trail

After the Hike

After spending quality time at the top of the mountain enjoying the amazing view, quiet and the eagles at flight; we had to head back down.

Because the day was one of the best fall days we could possibly have; we chose to take the long road home.  Driving along Skilak Lake Road.

It was well worth it.

Hideout hiking trail

Should you decide to make a trip to the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska; I hope you will have the opportunity to take a hike up Hideout Hiking Trail.  Be sure to pack a lunch because  you will want to enjoy the view.  Binoculars are a must as we found out when we didn’t have them and wish we had.  Next time we will be sure to remember to take them.

Alaska is a beautiful place and whatever you choose to do will be an adventure of a lifetime.


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Hello, I am Monica Brown and have been an avid blogger since 2014 with my Avon business. I am now expanding with my own personal blog - Lovely and Good Things where I hope to share things that I love and to hopefully inspire those who come here.

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