
Welcome to Lovely and Good things!

Lovely and Good Things

Welcome to my Lovely and Good Things Blog. This is Monica Brown and I will be your blogging hostess for this site.

I have been an active blogger since 2014 with my current blog TrustedBeautyBlog.com. A blog for my Avon business that is my All Things Avon Blog where you will find the Avon Catalog, how to sign up to sell Avon and basically – as stated – “All Things Avon.”

Recently I decided that I would like to do more than blog about Avon.

Although Avon is my business and I love it; I wanted to share other things I enjoy – Recipes, life lessons, lifestyle, etc… As the title states – Lovey and Good Things I enjoy and think you would enjoy as well.

I am over 50 now and have experienced many wonderful things and challenging things in my life. Learning a lot of valuable lessons along the way.

Having been married for more than 30 years, I have some things I would love to share on the topic that I believe will inspire married women.

I have also been a mother to 4 amazingly, talented girls that I homeschooled that have grown into women that love the Lord and a couple who are currently married and raising their own children to love the Lord as well.

Through laughter and tears, highs and lows – I have been running my race and have not yet reached the finish line.

I truly hope that the topics and content will inspire great things.

Perhaps you will be able to relate to some of the stories I have to share. Maybe even laugh or cry over some of the them.

So, be sure to subscribe to my new blog – Lovely and Good Things and please feel free to share or pin if you enjoy a post.

This is the verse that inspired me to start this blog. In all things may it Glorify and be pleasing to my Savior.

Philippians 4:8, KJV: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are truewhatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Hello, I am Monica Brown and have been an avid blogger since 2014 with my Avon business. I am now expanding with my own personal blog - Lovely and Good Things where I hope to share things that I love and to hopefully inspire those who come here.

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