10 habits for healthier life

10 Habits for a Healthier Life

10 habits for a healthy lifestyle

10 Habits for a healthier life

Forming habits for a healthier life can be difficult to do if you weren’t brought up by your parents to do so.  There are many healthy habits you can do and you may already be doing.

Healthy habits was not something that we discussed or even thought about when I was growing up.  I just ate what was placed in front of me and stayed very active outdoors.

My parents planted a garden every spring and my dad would hunt in the fall.  So, we were starting healthy habits without really even realizing it.

When I became an adult and had a family of my own; the habits formed from my parents carried over to my family.

I always tried to prepare three meals a day that were healthy for the most part.  An occasional pop-tart or sugary cereal and maybe even some koolaid.

Not too Late to Form Habits for Healthier Life

Where do you begin if you weren’t brought up to live a healthy life or did in part, but want to form habits for a healthier life now?

Forming new habits for a healthier life can seem a little overwhelming if it is new for you.  But with every new habit you will create a healthier life and feel better than you ever have.

A Little Goes a Long Way

The key to making new habits on your health journey is to take one step at a time.

Start with one of these habits.  Form the habit and then move on to the next.  You may even be able to do a couple per week to get started.

Here are 10 habits for a healthier life 

First habit would be to start with getting at least 7,500 to 10,000 steps in per day more if you can.

You may want to get a fitness tracker to keep track of those steps. Try a fitness tracker watch to help you achieve this habit consistently!

NOTE: it generally takes 2,000 to 2,500 steps to walk a mile.  This gives you an idea of how active you need to be to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

If this seems too much for you to start with; try at least 5,000.  Just start!

Getting steps in isn’t your thing; find an activity or sport that you would enjoy.

Be sure to add some activities that work your muscles.  I like to do a 20 minute workout with weights; being sure to get sit ups in.

My second habit tip falls under the first habit; which would be to get outside at least 30 minutes per day for some fresh air.

Third habit would of course be to eat healthy.  There is a lot to be said about this third habit.

Generally speaking – stop putting sugary, processed garbage in your body every day!  Have a serving of fruit and vegis at least twice per day.  If you don’t like either; try a smoothie.

Suggestion would be to make smoothies with protein powder and greens.

Here is my recipe for the best protein powder smoothie you will ever have!

Pack your lunch for work. Grabbing food or skipping lunch are both generally less healthy than packing your own lunch.

Learn to regularly cook healthy meals at home. Bonus this will help save you money as well.

Fourth habit would be to drink more water!  I said water!  NOT juice, not energy drinks.  The general rule of thumb is to aim for 15.5 cups of water for men and 11.5 for women.

Add an amino supplement to your water to optimize the ratio of ALL Essential Amino Acids, Branched-Chain Amino Acids, AND Electrolytes to support muscle strength and function, to help maintain lean muscle mass, to boost stamina and recovery, and to promote healthy energy and focus!

My fifth habit advice is to unplug.  Unplug from your phone, the TV, your computer.  Read a book.  Enjoy some music.  Spend time with friends, family.  Play a game of cards.  Do a craft.  Anything that will stimulate your mind and get you unplugged is one of the best habits you can form.

You may even want to try taking methylene blue to boost your brain health.  Click HERE to learn more.

Sixth habit goes along with the fifth habit of unplugging to get a good nights sleep.  Unplugging an hour before bed can help you get a better nights sleep.

Six to eight hours is what is suggested and can depend on your age.

Also, experts suggest you stop drinking caffeine within six to eight hours of your bedtime.  If you still have a difficult time; you can try a sleep patch

Tips 7 through 10 would be

Flossing every evening before bed.

Stretching before bed.

Finding a good multi-vitamin.  EVERYONE should be taking a high quality multivitamin every day.

Having a good skincare plan as well.  Be sure what you are putting on your skin is safe

Remember to be patient with yourself!  Forming habits for a healthier life is not going to happen overnight.

If you have a day where you break your healthy habits; don’t get too down on yourself.  Just start the next day.

Keeping a journal may help keep you on track.

If you found these ten habits for a healthier life helpful; let me know.  Would love to hear your comments.

Be sure to follow me on social media.


Hello, I am Monica Brown and have been an avid blogger since 2014 with my Avon business. I am now expanding with my own personal blog - Lovely and Good Things where I hope to share things that I love and to hopefully inspire those who come here.

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